пʼятниця, 26 травня 2017 р.

Webinar: Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today

In this edWebinar, best-selling Author Richard Gerver and Crayola Director of Education Cheri Sterman present on the topics raised in Gerver’s book, Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today: Education—Our Children—Their Future. Richard’s experience in transforming schools provides practical advice for early career principals. An inspiring storyteller, Richard discusses how he shifted the paradigms around change in the schools he led. He believes that change moves schools in the right direction when implemented within a culture where creative ideas are heard, acted upon, and celebrated.
Co-presenter Cheri Sterman shares insights from her work with elementary school principals building creative capacity school-wide. In partnership with NAESP, Cheri has lead the Champion Creatively Alive Children program and worked with principals’ Creative Leadership Teams to embed art-integration as an effective teaching strategy. Cheri’s topics include:
  • How art integration awakens the creative voice of students and teachers to positively impact test scores, attendance, and engagement
  • Practical ways of “making thinking visible” at staff meetings and in professional development to spark collaborative conversations
  • Her work with Turnaround Arts, an initiative led by the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities

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