пʼятниця, 12 травня 2017 р.

Handouts and interactive exercises about Culture and free time!

The present downloadable teaching material is intended for elementary school students and kindergartners and nursery school students at Beginner (pre-A1), Elementary (A1) and Pre-intermediate (A2) level. It is excellent for enhancing your pupils' Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. It is about the vocabulary topic of Free time, leisure activities and Sports. You will find the solution at the end of the worksheet.

This printable, downloadable handout is intended for high school students, elementary school students and adults at Elementary (A1) and Pre-intermediate (A2) level. It is aimed at consolidating Present perfect tenses in English, and is useful for working on your pupils' Reading and Writing skills. It centers around the vocabulary topic of Holidays.

The present printable, downloadable handout is meant for elementary school students and adults at Pre-intermediate (A2), Intermediate (B1), Upper-intermediate (B2) and Advanced (C1) level. It is useful for strengthening your groups' Speaking and Reading skills. It is about the topic and words of Free time, leisure activities and Hobbies.

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