пʼятниця, 26 травня 2017 р.

Methodological support from other bloggers

  1. Besides appealing to the math nerd part of me, some of the coolest stuff this blog offers are his cool teacher pay comparisons. If you’re looking for a job in New England (especially in NYC), be sure to check out his blog. If you’re interested in Teaching Union information, this is also the place to go. I’m not interested in either, but the math nerd in me still wins when I subscribe!
  2. Not a teacher, but Joanne is a journalist. She has now turned her energy toward education. This is a great combination, and she frequently brings up stories that are relevant to all people involved in education. While she doesn’t usually post stuff that can be helpful in a classroom, she usually has enough links to where practical information is only a few clicks away.
  3. A brand new teacher (and a brand new blogger), Miss Cal.Q.L8 is learning how to do the whole education thing. Her blog is a reflection of that, and it’s going to be fun to watch her grow through the next few years. As a first year teacher, this would have been exactly what I needed.
  4. Natalie is a young music teacher. She’s a Christian, and from what I can tell about her from her blog and Twitter, she seems like a just all around great woman. Again, if you don’t teach music, you probably don’t need to go to her blog, but it won’t hurt you to visit anyway! There are quite a few links that she shares that are really helpful, especially to someone who is teaching private lessons. I wish I would have had access to a blog like this when I was teaching lessons full time!
  5. The mastermind behind the 100 Music Education Bloggers project, and the co-creator of the Music Education Blog Carnival with me, Dr. Joseph Pisano is inspiring. I really enjoy reading his blog from time to time, and also reading him as he inspires other music educators to blog about their experiences.

Lesson plan on shopping. My presentation!

Webinar: Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today

In this edWebinar, best-selling Author Richard Gerver and Crayola Director of Education Cheri Sterman present on the topics raised in Gerver’s book, Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today: Education—Our Children—Their Future. Richard’s experience in transforming schools provides practical advice for early career principals. An inspiring storyteller, Richard discusses how he shifted the paradigms around change in the schools he led. He believes that change moves schools in the right direction when implemented within a culture where creative ideas are heard, acted upon, and celebrated.
Co-presenter Cheri Sterman shares insights from her work with elementary school principals building creative capacity school-wide. In partnership with NAESP, Cheri has lead the Champion Creatively Alive Children program and worked with principals’ Creative Leadership Teams to embed art-integration as an effective teaching strategy. Cheri’s topics include:
  • How art integration awakens the creative voice of students and teachers to positively impact test scores, attendance, and engagement
  • Practical ways of “making thinking visible” at staff meetings and in professional development to spark collaborative conversations
  • Her work with Turnaround Arts, an initiative led by the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities

Podcast on topic shopping in London

Tess and Ravi are talking about shopping in London, and Jo and Adam look at how to use the word 'too' in different ways.

Click here to listen the podcast!!

Handouts and interactive exercises about Science and technology!

The present downloadable handout is meant for business/professional students, high school students and adults at Intermediate (B1), Upper-intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1) and Proficient (C2) level. It was designed for honing your class' Reading and Writing skills. It focuses on the theme of Technology. The key is provided, too.

The present downloadable handout is recommended for elementary school students and kindergartners and nursery school students at Beginner (pre-A1) and Elementary (A1) level. It is valuable for practising Verb patterns in English, and can be used for strengthening your pupils' Reading and Writing skills. It is focused on the topic and words of Technology. The exercises come with the answer key.

Handouts and interactive exercises about Nature and environment!

This downloadable worksheet is a great resource for high school students, elementary school students and adults at Beginner (pre-A1) and Elementary (A1) level. It is excellent for developing your class' Listening, Reading and Writing skills. It features the topic and words of Environment.

The above downloadable teaching material is best suited for business/professional students, high school students and adults at Intermediate (B1), Upper-intermediate (B2) and Advanced (C1) level. It is a valuable material for working on your students' Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. It features the topic and words of Environment.